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  • Writer's pictureLottie

More deliveries, a registered charity & some beautiful biscuits!

Hello everyone, hope you are all keeping well.

Thank you for visiting our blog! It’s been 10 months since our last one and so much has happened in this time. Some highlights from the last 10 months include:

- We’ve extended our hospital deliveries to the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham

- We've continued to make deliveries to St George’s Hospital and the Royal Marsden Hospital

- Excitingly, we're now a registered charity - Creative Packs Cancer Charity! - we celebrated the launch with some creative pack deliveries and some lovely biscuits for the wards, made by The Bakeonomist.

Why did we register as a charity? It’s essential that we always support teenager cancer patients in hospital, as they're facing increased times of isolation & loneliness – we’re not a charity that is here just for the crazy covid times. After receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from all the hospitals & patients - we want to ensure we're set-up to best help more patients when it’s needed most.

Thank you so much to our amazing supporters, you have helped make this happen.

Below are some snapshots from the last few months…

May’s unwrapping...

Tilly received a creative pack...

Charity launch biscuits from the bakeonomist...

To keep up to date please follow us on instagram.

Keep safe & well, love Lottie x

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